About Me

I am a computer science undergraduate student from the Vallejo, California, currently working in the East Bay. I have professional and research experience in machine learning (ex. deep learning, linear regression) using Jupyter Notebooks, Python, and Power BI as well as Web Application Development using Angular, NodeJS, and Redux.

My extensive background in mathematics (including Calc III, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra) has allowed me to explore a new side of programming and problem solving in my field.

In December 2018, I joined School of AI as a Dean of the San Francisco chapter. Presenting to our members and organizing events has helped to increase my knowledge of frameworks, platforms, research, etc. and allowed me to learn in a community of great minds.

I left the school in 2021, however I continued to attend conferences, hackathons, and Google Developer Events in the area. Click here to see some of my personal projects or keep scrolling to check out my resume to get a glipse of my machine learning journey!

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Machine Learning Summer Analyst

    Accenture | San Francisco, CA June 2021 - August 2021

    Improved unsupervised learning algorithms used to categorize optimal spending clusters for major health care provider client

    Created multidimensional, interactive data visualizations in Power BI and presented findings to major client stakeholders

    Used python to build and test models on messy and sparse datasets

    Worked remotely in an Agile SCRUM development environment

    Tools: Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Power BI

  • Data Team Lead, Bay Area Hub

    Sunrise Movement | Oakland, CA Jan 2020 - Present

    Gauged membership demographics in order to provide insight on the political engagement and progress of the climate justice movement

    Initiated data migration between CRMs and helped develop data hygiene protocol

    Managed data from over 20,000 members and supporters around the Bay Area hub

    Tools: EveryAction CRM, Pandas, Numpy, Jupyter Notebooks, Python APIs

  • Dean, San Francisco Chapter

    School of AI | San Francisco, CA December 2018 - May 2020

    Educated developers on new Artificial Intelligence technology

    Teaching math for machine learning theory (regression, backpropagation, etc.)

    Helped organize a worldwide hackathon:
    AI in Healthcare

    Working with other deans to provide the best learning community environment.

    Tools: Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Codelabs

  • Angular Development Analyst

    Accenture | San Francisco, CA Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

    Supported development of a single page app call center for a major healthcare provider

    Assisted with unit testing in Angular platform using Jasmine and Karma

    Learned to work in Agile development environment setting

    Tools: Angular, TypeScript, ngRX, primeNG

  • Machine Learning Research Assistant

    US Armed Forces | Washington, DC Jan 2018 - May 2018

    Built and trained a machine learning model for the US Military designed to predict coup d'etats in various countries

    Collected and cleaned data to be used for training

    Used math skills to understand classification process

    Presented research biweekly with a Armed Forces representative and the computer science department head

    Tools: Python, Jupyter Notebooks

  • Systems Engineering Intern

    Northrop Grumman | Baltimore, MD Jun 2017 - Aug 2017

    Designed and programmed burn rate tools for major IRAD and government-funded programs

    Translated product failure data and trends into interactive database

    Installed and calibrated equipment as a crew member in Flight Test

    Wrote technical white paper on transmit and receive modules designed for the Multi-Role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) Surveillance Radar

    Tools: Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel

  • Education

  • Bachelor/Master of Science (BSMSc) Degree

    Clark Atlanta University | Grad Date: May 2025

    Computer Science Major, Minor in Mathematics

    with specialty in Machine Learning
    and Artificial Intelligence

  • Associate's Degree

    Diablo Valley College | 2018 - 2020

    AS Transfer Degree in Computer Science

  • Undergraduate Studies

    Howard University | 2015 - 2018

    Minor in Mechanical Engineering

  • Github Projects

  • Predicting home prices based on a variety of home attributes using linear regression

    Tools: Python, Pandas, SciKit Learn, Jupyter Notebooks
  • Accenture Summer Project: Call Center for Major Healthcare Provider


    Accentue Internship side project: A small web application to learn ngRX/Redux and PrimeNG for building apps in Angular

    Tools: Angular, TypeScript, ngRX, PrimeNG
  • iOS Weather App: Uses CLLocationManager() and OpenWeatherMap.org to look up the weather for a user's location

    Tools: Swift

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